Term 3 Week 8 : Celebrating the Singapore Spirit

Sunday, 17 August 2008

Hi kids,

It's been a long weekend for all of you so i definitely hope you have allocated ample time for yourselves to do some serious revision. All of you NEED it.

It's been a week since the Olympics had started and seems like many of you had caught the spectacular opening ceremony by Gymnastics prince Li Ning as he literally "walked" in the air to light up the fire of the Olympic. Absolutely amazing and creative on China's efforts on the success of the ceremony. Kudos to the director who choreographed the entire show - Zhang Yi Mou! A very talented man indeed with his epic movies and most spectacular opening ceremony which has made the world so impressed with China's progress and achievements. Truly, this has opened the eyes of many people in the world to look up to China in awe at what Asians can do...

While in the midst of all this hype and excitement on the Beijing Olympics, I hope all of you have also made time to catch our very own National Day parade on the 9th.I was so afraid that it would rain and it would become a parade in the rain! But fortunately, the sky (well....more or less co-operated) and it was pretty cool to see the sea of red (red ponchos, to be more exact)filling up the entire bay area.
It was a wonderful and united sight of Singaporeans gathering together to celebrate Singapore's 43rd birthday!

Well, I stayed home (marking all your WS, as usual) and managed to catch the planes flying across in the distance and also witnessed the Black Knights fighter planes raging across the skyline to form the beautiful heart-shape, right outside my window! It was spectacular! Fireworks were great too as they went up lighting up the night sky, it was great seeing it from a distance. It's interesting to watch something going on TV and outside my window, all at the same time!

Do you have something to share on National Day or about the week's events on the Olympics??? Make a posting to share your birthday wishes for the nation and at the same time, share your thoughts about the Singapore spirit as Team Singapore faces China in the Women Table-tennis finals tonight! May the best players win!!!

Some questions to consider as you make your postings:

What did you like about National Day parade? Your feelings about National Day celebrations?? What are your birthday wishes for Singapore??

This year's theme for national day is " Celebrating the Singapore Spirit".
What do you think "having the Singapore Spirit" means??

Do you think you have the Singapore Spirit in you??? Why??

Have our sports athletes displayed the Singapore spirit in the Olympics games?? How so?

Spend some time thinking....

Here's a song of some people who proudly say - "Count on me Singapore"


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